
ruthie from the real world? is that you?

Maybe the shoe designer for Ruthie Davis shoes is Ruthie from the Real World Hawaii. Remember? Sure you do! She was always wasted and falling into things, breaking glasses and jumping into pools naked, making out with guys... and girls (or wait, did she ever make out with guys?). Ring a bell? Ok here is her picture:

from mtv.com
Well, I sure hope it's her because that's the only explanation I could come up with for the appearance of this shoe:

Mod Techno Two Band Platform, DAVIS by Ruthie Davis.
Originally 425, on sale for $297.50 (what a steal)
Picture from shopbop.com

Good to see that she has gotten her life back on track as a shoe designer. Hey, an ugly shoe designer is still a better occupation then a drunk.

(And I know I already mentioned this shoe in a 'what not to buy' post but I figured since it's on sale it's fair game again. And sadly, the more I look at the shoe the more I start to think, hey maybe it's not as ugly as I thought. Must. Shut. Computer.)

Peace and recovery,



WendyB said...

I shouldn't admit it but -- I like it!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am Ruthie Davis the shoe designer and am not the girl from the Real world Hawaii.